Story of Sam Sam
DOB: 2008
AHA: 26 Jan 2017
RIP: 19 Jun 2017
Sam Sam was a senior Siamese cat living in Dakota estate. He was found by Save the Dakota cats volunteers who noticed his tiled head.
Head tilt can be an indication of serious health issues making it difficult for him to survive on the streets. In fact, Sam Sam was hiding in the drain and was unable to find food. There were also accounts that Sam Sam might have been beaten making him even more fearful.
At the vet, Sam Sam was diagnosed with:
* Ear infection
* Possible stroke
* Kidney failure
* FIV+
* Possible hearing loss
Any one of the above will make it very difficult to rehome a cat not to mention 5 major issues.
Sam Sam, AHA familymember
These health issues also make it dangerous for Sam Sam to remain on the street so he became a family member of AHA.
Once Sam Sam settled down, he turned out to be a very handsome affectionate senior cat. He has very pleasant manners, never fight with other cats and when he sees us, he would give an affectionate rub. He also got along very well with other cats.
With medication and good food, Sam Sam’s head tilt became less severe and he even put on some weight.
Losing Sam Sam
However, a few months later, Sam Sam became very quiet and tired. The vet discovered that his blood count is very low and his immune system is very weak because of his FIV condition. He was prescribed with medication and we give daily subcut to hydrate him.
Despite the medications, Sam Sam became very tired and could not eat. And finally, he left in his sleep, very peaceful and very comfortably.
Good bye Sam Sam
With Sam Sam, we knew our time with him will not be long. We did as much as we can for him and to shower him with lots of affection. It was just lovely to see a once frightened cat start to bloom and to become a happy cat.
Which also means that his departure is very painful for us. We assured him we will be alright so do not worry about us. We hope Sam Sam left as a very happy cat knowing that he is very special and extremely loved.

Sam sam being fed by feeders

Sam sam at the vet

Sam Sam shutting down
RIP Sam Sam